Homeschool Curriculum Blog I GeoMatters
Giveaway: Pick and Draw Game
This next prize was donated by Rich over at Pick and Draw Games. It's a fun game that everyone in the family can play and enjoy. (What better way to overcome burnout than changing it up a little with a card game that encourages creativity?)
In the game, you create different cartoon faces based on what card you draw. Even the most insecure artists can join in, because you are simply copying the card. Free spirits can customize as much as desired. There is no winner or loser in this game!
We've all played this here at Geography Matters. (Here's a little tip for your smallest players: if they are having trouble making the shapes and becoming frustrated, let them trace the cards instead!)
There are two sets of the game up for grabs today! Just leave us a comment telling us what your favorite card or board game is. You can also earn additional entries by liking Pick and Draw on Facebook. Be sure to use the Rafflecopter widget below to let us know which tasks you've completed.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I like all kinds of card games and a dice game called Zonk!
Scrabble, even though I’m horrible!
We like Snapshots Across America.
We love to play Blokus, Bananagrams, Nabbit, Chinese Checkers and Uno Attack.
Besides the usual ones (Candyland, etc. with the littlest ones) we have recently discovered Pass the Popcorn—great for movie lovers.