Homeschool Curriculum Blog I GeoMatters » Company
Help Us Choose Our Map Designs!
We are getting ready to do a major reprint and wanted to get your opinion! We have been working on a new map design and wanted to know which you would prefer to purchase. There's our standard map design (that we use now) and a new vintage map style. Let us know your favorite in the poll below. (Poll closes July 13th.) [caption id="attachment_433" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Regular Map Style (A)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_432" align="aligncenter" width="400"]
Vintage Map Style (B)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_408" align="aligncenter" width="405"]
Regular Map Style (A)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_407" align="aligncenter" width="405"]
Vintage Map Style (B)[/caption] [poll id="2"]
GeoMatters Needs You!
Our next book project is nearing completion... but we need your help to wrap things up! We are very excited to announce that our team is putting together a beautiful, full-color United States desk atlas written by Jamie Aramini. The book will contain amazing custom illustrations, but we also want to include photos of some important landmarks from each state. We want to include photos taken by you, our loyal customers! We've created a list of photos that we need to complete the project. You can submit photos of any one (or more than one) of the subjects listed. If you have other images that you feel are representative of your state, feel free to submit them as well, but remember that we only have limited space, so we cannot include every image that we receive. Here are the guidelines: *Please use a camera with eight megapixels or higher. *No cell phone photos, please. *No faces/people in the photos. *Save your photos in the highest resolution/quality level possible. If selected, we will need the raw, unedited photo files. *Please be sure to include the name of the image and state your picture represents. *You must own the rights to your photos! Don't submit photos that you obtained from a friend or the internet. These should be your photos, and you will have to sign a release stating that you took the photos if we end up using them in the book. *The submission deadline is March 30th. Download the list of potential images, but remember that you can submit others for our consideration! Atlas Image List You can upload your photos to Facebook and tag Geography Matters or post them on our wall. You won't be able to upload the highest quality image as there are restriction on size. If your photo is selected we will contact you. At that time we will ask you to submit a higher quality version of the selected image. Alternately, you can email us directly at While this is no financial compensation for this project, you will receive photo credit in the final version of the book. We would especially love for some of your homeschooling students to submit photographs. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you've come up with. If you have further questions, please let us know.