If you have landed on this page and haven’t yet learned much about the Trail Guide to Learning curriculum series, we recommend you read the introduction to Trail Guide to Learning. Then come back to see what Paths of Settlement is all about!

Paths of Settlement is the second step in the Trail Guide to Learning series.
Blazing a trail was the first step in Paths of Exploration. Building a foundation for growth and government is next. Students learn about the founding of our great nation and the accomplishments of leaders who built upon the trail blazed by brave explorers.
This journey continues with teaching students HOW to think by asking, answering, and investigating questions about our great country's growth.
Learn about the settling of our nation as examined through the lives of leaders who made a difference by standing for their beliefs and making a way for us as a nation.
The six units in Settlement will take you from the tumultuous time before the Revolutionary War, all the way through the Civil War, and up to the turn of the century. Learn about the accomplishments of great Americans whose actions teach us the principles of freedom and citizenship—founding and expanding our country, strengthening us in times of war and binding us together in times of struggle.
In this series of unit studies the paths of the settlers and founders are seen through multidisciplinary eyes, and always with the same goals: to make learning enjoyable, memorable, and motivating.
Primary science focus involves Earth Science (geology, weather, land forms, climate) and the impact of these factors on settlement.
Activities in Settlement, such as period crafts, cooking, watercolor painting, state studies, and making the tools for a weather station, enhance and solidify subjects learned.
Required student notebook pages are available for each grade level and are an integral part of this curriculum. Notebook pages provide maps, charts, space for copywork or dictation and any other template page needed throughout the year.
Student Notebooks are not included with the Teachers Guide, but you can order them here.
Although Paths of Settlement is primarily geared for students in grades 4-6, optional extensions are available. These extensions provide additional assignments and activities for the age groups below. They do not stand alone, but are meant to be used alongside the main Teacher’s Guide (with other students or siblings who are in the target 4th-6th grade range.)
Jr. Extension, grades K-2 Used to include younger students learning related content at a primary level.
Older Extension, grades 6-7 Used to include older students learning related content on a more challenging level.
For specific unit-by-unit details and to learn more, select the Paths of Settlement teacher guides.
For package specials that include the curriculum and all required books, atlases, and maps select Paths of Settlement packages.
All subjects but math are included in this Unit Study approach to teaching.