World Geography

Geography can be integrated into almost every subject at any age. It is not just a list of facts and places, it is an opportunity to connect with and learn about the cultures of the world.
You will find many helpful resources within the collections below to accompany any curriculum or world geography study!
Trail Guide to World Geography
Trail Guide to World Geography (grades 3-12) is a family-friendly, multi-level curriculum that covers all the continents and main countries found within. Students gain skills in mapping and atlas usage while discovering the people and places that make our world so diverse.
Galloping the Globe
Galloping the Globe (grades K-4) follows a unit study approach to world geography. Students learn about the animals, people and culture of twenty-eight countries across all seven continents. Along with printable maps, flags, and activity pages, you will find many suggestions for additional projects and literature suggestions.
The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide
New 20th Anniversary Edition! Too many Americans are geographically illiterate, but you don't have to be. This one source book provides you with all you need to know to teach this vital subject from kindergarten through high school. Part lesson plan, part unit study, part inspiration, and more.