Homeschool Curriculum Blog I GeoMatters
Help Us Choose Our Map Designs!
We are getting ready to do a major reprint and wanted to get your opinion! We have been working on a new map design and wanted to know which you would prefer to purchase. There's our standard map design (that we use now) and a new vintage map style. Let us know your favorite in the poll below. (Poll closes July 13th.)
[caption id="attachment_433" align="aligncenter" width="400"]
Regular Map Style (A)[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_432" align="aligncenter" width="400"]
Vintage Map Style (B)[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_408" align="aligncenter" width="405"]
Regular Map Style (A)[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_407" align="aligncenter" width="405"]
Vintage Map Style (B)[/caption]
[poll id="2"]

Our youngest 2 are special needs so the regular style A would be what I would buy. Its brighter and helps contrast things better for them.
LOVE the look of the vintage, my only recommendation would be to make the water more of a bluer hue. There is no mistaking water for land on the familiar maps (ie. U.S. and world), but for the less familiar and/or more specific maps (ie. Japan or Arctic Circle) the light brown hue for the water might be a little confusing, especially for visual learners. I also agree with many of the comments that the traditional style A would be a better fit for younger learners or those new to geography.
Vintage all the way!!!!! Can’t wait to start school this year with u guys in our classroom!!!
POli xairomai, bravo se olous den skero giati, den elava enreoimsi apo tin selida gia tin drasi afti opos k na exei eisaste mages paides k sas paradexomai me tin proti efkeria tha lavo meros k ego