Homeschool Curriculum Blog I GeoMatters
Giveaway: Trail Guide to World Geography Digital Download
We're giving away 3 copies of one of our most popular products, the Trail Guide to World Geography Digital Download by Cindy Wiggers. Three lucky winners will receive this product.
Leave us a comment letting us know which country you and your students would most like to study. Be sure to use the Rafflecopter widget below to let us know that you've commented. There are others tasks you can complete (such as liking us on Facebook) to earn additional entries!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

We have been trekking around the globe with GTG for awhile now. Headed to Russia next week for an extended stay. There is so much to learn about—it’s a big place.
My son just met a student who is from Germany. Germany is the next place we will learn more about.
Probably China, India, and Australia.
Ireland and/or Israel
We would love to study England. We are going this summer!