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We're giving away 3 copies of one of our most popular products, the Trail Guide to World Geography Digital Download by Cindy Wiggers. Three lucky winners will receive this product. Leave us a comment letting us know which country you and your students would most like to study. Be sure to use the Rafflecopter widget below to let us know that you've commented. There are others tasks you can complete (such as liking us on Facebook) to earn additional entries! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  • Posted On August 12, 2015 by Shannon Anderson

    We would enjoy studying South Aftrica.

  • Posted On August 12, 2015 by Nikki

    Puerto Rico

  • Posted On August 12, 2015 by Tara Howell

    We are going to start world Geography this coming year. we are loving the TG to US. We are looking very forward to studying about Russia and Greenland!

  • Posted On August 12, 2015 by Ann

    We’d study China—my kids are fascinated by the culture.

  • Posted On August 12, 2015 by Juliana

    We would love to study Africa. My husband is going there for a year and we would love to know all about where he is going.

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