Heart and Mind
by Ruth Beechick
This is another book for those who like a little theory about education. It explains clearly what is wrong with the educational psychology taught today, and presents an alternative that we find in the Bible. It contains the most complete research to be found anywhere on the Bible use of the word heart. Most of the time the uses are cognitive—the heart knows, understands, ponders, meditates, and so on. Emotional and other uses of heart occur less often. Some recent physiological research also shows that the heart contains knowledge, and this is explained in the book. Though this is a step up from beginning homeschool level, it avoids educationese and is written in Beechick’s famous easy-to-read style.
“I just finished reading the book on heart learning. WOW! It makes so much sense. Now I see that when I share from my heart the children SO connect with me. We can learn something out of a textbook, but it isn’t the same. This helped reorient my thinking completely.”
Publisher: | Mott Media |
ISBN: | 9780880621731 |
Edition: | 2004 |
Product: | DS300 |
Format: | Paperback |
Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Pages: | 184 |