Trail Guide to Bible Geography Student Notebook
by Cindy Wiggers
This Trail Guide to Bible Geography Student Notebook is a downloadable set of printable pre-formatted templates and outline maps for creating the awesome personal geography student notebooks recommended in Trail Guide to Bible Geography.
Over 400 pages include:
- Geography Trails Questions — Separate pages with ALL THREE levels of daily geography trails questions and a place to put the answers.
- Outline Maps — Specific outline maps, now including some in color, required for each week and the list of mapping assignments.
- Notebook Pages — A variety of specifically formatted templates associated with assignment choices for each week. Provides ample room to include written summaries, pictures, and drawings.
- Generic Templates — A variety of templates students can use for creating their own crosswords, charts, fact sheets, reports, and more.
Trail Guide to Bible Geography Student Notebooks are available for each of the three trails in Trail Guide to Bible Geography.
- Primary: 2nd-4th grades
- Intermediate: 5th-7th grades
- Secondary: 8th grade-high school
You MUST have Trail Guide to Bible Geography to make use of the Student Notebooks. Answers to the daily Geography Trails questions, instructions for using the curriculum, and the Literature Unit are NOT included in the Student Notebook eBook.
Publisher: | |
ISBN: | |
Edition: | 2006 |
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Format: | Digital download |