Trail Guide to Geography
The Trail Guide to Geography books are family-friendly, multi-level curriculum guides for students in 3rd-12th grades to learn geography. With its trail markers directed at three different grade levels, each book can be used for more than one academic school year and works well with a number of different student abilities learning together.

With the Teacher Guide, required atlas, and printable student notebook sheets, students learn basic geography skills through:
- Daily Practice Using an Atlas
- Weekly Map Labeling Activities
- Research and Reporting
- Memorization
- Maps and Charts
- Designing a Travel Brochure
- Art and Cooking
- Creating an Illustrated Geo-dictionary
- Games and Puzzles
Assign as many or few each week according to your objectives and how much time you allocate in your schedule for studying geography.
A read-aloud Literature Review Unit wraps up the 36-week lesson plan.
The Trail Guide to Geography curriculum guides use additional resources which make for an interesting year of geography studies. Most can be used again when students have moved up a level.
Rand McNally's Atlas of World Geography provides engaging and richly illustrated geographic information for high school students. This atlas contains the same information as their Know GeographyTM World Atlas currently going out of print. Thematic maps, graphs and charts help present a...
The simplicity of the map art and beautiful photographs make this an excellent choice for the K-3rd grade levels and is the recommended atlas in Galloping the Globe. It is also the best atlas to use for answering the geography...
This atlas can be used with Trail Guide to World Geography by students following the middle school level trail. 200 pages, clearly organized by continent Over 100 physical, political, and thematic maps Expanded section on the United States This atlas contains...