Ashley Wiggers

Ashley Wiggers grew up in the early days of the homeschooling movement. She was taught by her late mother, Debbie Strayer, who was an educator, speaker and the author of numerous homeschooling materials. It was through Debbie’s encouragement and love that Ashley learned the value of being homeschooled. Currently, Ashley is the Editor-in-Chief of Homeschooling Today magazine, Public Relations Director for Geography Matters and the author of the Profiles from History series. Ashley makes her home in Somerset, Kentucky, with her loving husband and their two boys.
Want Ashley to speak to your group? Contact her at for details about scheduling her for your conference, book fair, support group meeting, or retreat.
Moving from Checklist to Meaningful Learning
Homeschooling offers the possibility to educate in a way that is lasting and meaningful. We don’t have to see it as a list of tasks to be completed. We can see it as the opportunity it is to learn through meaningful discussions, experiences, deep understanding, and the building of relationships. Come to receive practical ideas and listen as this homeschool graduate and author shares about her unique view of education given through the meaningful approach her family took to homeschooling.
Homeschooling’s Greatest Enemy
The greatest enemy of homeschooling that all parents contend with is fear. Don’t let fear steal from your family’s ability to enjoy and thrive in this homeschooling journey. Come and be encouraged as Ashley shares strategies for recognizing and eliminating fear from your homeschool! This homeschool graduate and daughter of homeschooling pioneers Debbie and Greg Strayer will calm your fears and leave you with a sense of hope.
Developmental Education: Building a Foundation for Lifelong Learning
Children are developmental. They will reach certain milestones at varying ages and it is our job to make sure we’re matching expectations with an understanding of how children learn and progress. Building the right foundation will enable you and your children to enjoy the process of learning. Come hear why this homeschool graduate and national magazine editor became a lifelong learner.
What Mattered Most: Recollections of a Homeschool Graduate
It can be difficult to keep the big picture of homeschooling in mind amidst the trials of everyday life. Ashley will share about what really makes a difference in the end, from the perspective of a homeschool graduate. She will speak to common concerns on the hearts and minds of parents and bring encouragement for the journey ahead.
Raising a Critical Thinker!
Thinking skills are buzzwords in education today – everyone wants to include them in their curriculum plans! In this seminar, Ashley will explain what thinking skills are and how to incorporate strategies into daily life that will bring great results in your child’s ability to think. Include these ideas to add critical thinking to any curriculum!
10 Benefits of a Natural Approach to Teaching
The natural approach to learning is founded on the desire to follow your child’s developmentally appropriate timetable. This approach is based on proven educational principles from Dr. Ruth Beechick, Charlotte Mason, Dr. Benjamin Bloom and others. Natural learning does not mean learning without goals or structure. It means learning is customized, multi-sensory, and engaging. Come to this workshop to hear the top ten reasons why a natural approach will enable you and your family to flourish.
Hope for the High School Years
Are you struggling with teaching your high school student? Hope for the High School Years is a down-to-earth talk with a homeschool graduate about the ups and downs of life with a high school student. If you are in need of a little encouragement and some proof that everything will work out for the best, please join Ashley for an uplifting workshop that will leave you with a new understanding of how to successfully homeschool through high school.
Making Geography Memorable
Teaching geography can be overwhelming for teachers and sometimes boring for students. In this workshop, Ashley will offer helpful tips on making geography a memorable, and even fun experience. She will share how to incorporate geography into everyday life and your other schooling subjects. With hands on activities and practical ideas, your children will start enjoying geography, and learning about the world, we live in!
The Importance of Understanding Learning Styles
Our goal as homeschoolers is to teach as effectively as possible, so it can be stressful when the lessons we teach aren’t understood, or our children seem frustrated. Come to this workshop to learn how to overcome obstacles that may limit your ability to teach, and your children’s ability to understand. Shared from the perspective of the student, Ashley will provide tips that can help your children achieve their greatest learning success.
Writing Should Be A Different Story When It’s Taught at Home
Ashley’s story of going from non-writer to published author is unconventional. The support and encouragement she received through her homeschool experience enabled her to be the writer and Editor-in-Chief of Homeschooling Today magazine she is now. You are not just a teacher, you’re also the parent. This means when we teach writing in our homes, it should look different than when it’s taught in other settings. Find out how you can implement these important writing principles in your home!