Human Anatomy Coloring Book
An entertaining and instructive guide to the human body—bones, muscles, blood, nerves, and how they work.
From a biological point of view, the human body is an infinitely complex marvel of fine design, superbly adapted to its functions. Hundreds of specialized organs, bones, muscles, nerve fibers, blood vessels and other anatomical features comprise an interdependent network of bodily systems the enables the human organism to survive. Now the component parts of this intricate flesh-and-blood machine can be absorbed and understood by means of an ingenious format: the coloring book.
Human Anatomy Coloring Book contains careful, scientifically accurate line renderings of the body's organs and major systems: skeletal, muscular, nervous, digestive, reproductive, etc. A total of 43 plates (often with several illustration to a page) offers numerous views, cross-sections , diagrams and detailed closeups, labelled and numbered to correspond with suggestions for coloring. These suggestions are specially designed to emphasize the structural relationships in the body. By working through each system, the reader will gain not only an intimate knowledge of the location, appearance and role of the parts, but will be laying the groundwork for more sophisticated studies of anatomy.
The drawings in Human Anatomy Coloring Book are remarkably clear and detailed, and each is accompanied by a concise, informative text that outlines the role of the part illustrated in the general context of the body's operations. Both text and illustrations have been reviewed by a specialist to insure rigorous scientific accuracy.
For colorists, medical students, artists—anyone concerned with the structure and function of the human body—Human Anatomy Coloring Book represents a highly accurate and useful introduction to the topic, and enjoyable coloring experience as well.
Used with the Paths of Progress: High School Extension.
Publisher: | Dover Publications |
ISBN: | 9780486241388 |
Edition: | 1982 |
Product: | INM429 |
Format: | Paperback |
Size: | 8.25" x 10.875" |
Pages: | 43 |