Trail Guide to U.S. Geography Lapbook

Trail Guide to U.S. Geography Lapbook


This lapbook is specifically designed to go with our popular geography curriculum Trail Guide to U.S. Geography. 

Easy-to-follow resource to teach essential geographical facts and features of each of the 50 U.S. states. Includes 5-minute daily drills, mapping, building a geography notebook, and a wide variety of additional project choices. Students study the 50 states at the rate of about 2 states each week. The literature unit on the Lewis & Clark Expedition (using The Captain's Dog by Roland Smith) provides a thrilling way to drive home the relevance of knowing geography.

This lapbook is available in a printed version or as a digital download.



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ISBN: 20781
Edition: 2011
Product: GM-LBUTG1
Format: Paper or digital download
Size: 8.5" x 11"

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