Trail Guide to Bible Geography
by Cindy Wiggers & Adam Gullett
Trail Guide to Bible Geography is the third book in the popular Trail Guide to Geography series.
Study the geography of the Holy Lands in light of scripture and along with the lives of your favorite Bible characters. Students learn by mapping, research, daily geography drills and hands-on activities. While some small maps are included in the book, the larger maps in the Bible Lands Activity Map Set are highly recommended. Students love doing the mapping assignments and are delightfully challenged with finding answers to the daily drills using a Bible atlas.
Please note: The required atlas for High School trail has gone out of print. Although Trail Guide to Bible Geography has been rewritten and re-released in 2014 in digital format only, the high school trail is still associated with the Atlas of Bible Lands published by Hammond. Until a suitable substitute atlas can be located and the Geography Trails atlas drills on the high school trail can be rewritten, you will need to locate an old copy of this atlas if you intend to use the high school trail. The authors apologize for this inconvenience but the only high school level Bible atlas found retails for more than $40, a price they are unwilling to require families to pay.
This Trail Guide has been discounted until the high school trail is rewritten.
Student Notebook pages for Trail Guide to Bible Geography are not currently available.
Here is another winner from Geography Matters! Trail Guide to Bible Geography is multi-faceted, user-friendly, and suited to a wide range of ages and ability. From the helpful teacher's notes to the resource section of reproducible maps, charts, timeline pages and more, this study will give you and your student a wonderful grounding in the geography of the Holy Land, from the time of Abraham through the travels of Paul. This study is suited to the individual homeschool as well as a multi-level co-op or Sunday school. All in all, Trail Guide to Bible Geography is a valuable resource if you aim to embark on a study of Bible lands.
—Jean Hall of Eclectic Homeschool Association
I have used the Trail Guide to Bible Geography within our own homeschool, cottage school, and with other classes that I have taught. I have found it to be a beneficial resource for studying Bible geography and culture. It is a highly creative study and encourages students to learn geography in a fun and meaningful way. I would recommend this resource for any family who desires to expand their studies of Biblical lands and culture.
—Resource Review by Sharra Badgley
If you are looking for a user-friendly geography curriculum, I highly recommend these books! It's very flexible and can easily be modified to your family's schedule. I do this with my children we all sit down to do this for family time. Even my teenagers don't mind that mom joins in this one!
—Owings Ohana Homeschool
Publisher: | |
ISBN: | |
Edition: | 2014 |
Product: | GM-430e |
Format: | Electronic (.pdf) |
Size: | 8.5" x 11" |
Pages: | 125 |